The Greater Chicago Center for Advanced Surgery is an ambulatory surgical center located in Des Plaines, IL offering high-quality compassionate care for a wide range of bone and joint conditions. The highly trained and experienced specialists at the center utilize the latest minimally surgical techniques and technology to help patients recover quickly from injuries or degenerative joint conditions and return to an active lifestyle.
Greater Chicago Center for Advanced Surgery has demonstrated its commitment to patient safety by gaining accreditation from Quad A
QUAD A provides official recognition to facilities that have met 100% of its high standards. Accreditation assures the public that patient safety and standardized quality is top priority in a facility.
To earn its accreditation, Greater Chicago Center for Advanced Surgery passed inspection on hundreds of important criteria concerning patient safety. Quad A facility inspectors are board-certified medical specialists trained to perform a thorough and complete facility inspection including the following categories:
- General Environment
- Operating Room Environment, Policy and Procedures
- Recovery Room Environment, Policy and Procedures
- General Safety in the Facility
- Blood and Medications
- Medical Records
- Quality Assessment and Quality Improvement
- Personnel
- Anesthesia
Quad A was established in 1980 to standardize and improve the quality of medical and surgical care in outpatient facilities and assure the public that patient safety is top priority in an accredited facility.
Quad A has accredited thousands of facilities and is one of the largest not-for-profit accrediting organizations in the United States. Surgeons, legislators, state and national health agencies, and patients acknowledge that Quad A sets the "gold standard" for quality patient care.
To learn more about Quad A, please visit here.